vulpes vulpes

The first time ever I saw your face The first time ever I saw you, you were SO little and your face was so…special, that I couldn’t even take a picture. You looked almost like some kind of new, unknown species. You looked funny and far beyond cute. I soon […]

47. Lovely little Tick(e)y(e) – The Story of a Fox ...

Roeselien Shop Fine Art 2
 1. If it Walks Like a Goose And it Talks Like a Goose…. As soon as this Army of Cuteness arrives, the most fanatical birder goes “awwwwwwww”. Bold loitering spontaneously share their sandwiches, a homeless worriedly counts whether they are as many as yesterday.   2. Interview by Bored Panda […]

38. Photography Bestof 2014

Foxes yawn. So do we. So what? And yet, yawning is quite luxury thing. Being scared, cold or thirsty isn’t a good starting point for a decent yawn. Yawning basically requires a really safe environment and a full stomach, to begin with. Like most animals, foxes prefer being lazy and […]

26. Fox Yawns

Mushroom in an autumn forest
Interview Some time ago I was interviewed by the famous, if interested you can read the interview below: —————————————————————————————————————————————- “Outstanding Nature Photography by Roeselien Raimond” “Outstanding and out of the world captures of beautiful nature, this is Roeselien Raimond for all of us, simple and elegant compositions playing […]

27. Interview @

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Foxes are famous for their mouse jumps (that’s what it’s called in my language, I have no idea what the official term could be). With their very sensitive ears, they can hear a mouse, even when it’s hidden under a thick layer of snow. They listen, prepare…and jump. The rumour […]

The Fox & Mouse Game

Lieve 7D, Jij en ik….. ‘t Was spannend en tegelijkertijd wat stroefjes vanaf het allereerste begin. Aanvankelijk dacht ik dat het aan mij lag, dat ik simpelweg teveel van je vroeg. Ik ken mezelf en mijn reputatie ‘veeleisend’ te zijn. Maar gaandeweg ontdekte ik dat jij qua lastigheid toch echt […]

82. Vaarwel, lieve (niet altijd zo) trouwe 7D

Eén tip: mocht je ooit op het ludieke idee komen een fotograaf te gaan interviewen: kies vooral niet ondergetekende. Een tijdje geleden werd ik door Zoom benaderd voor een interview…en dat leek me helemaal leuk. Wist ik veel dat ik zo lastig ben. 😉 Uiteraard had ik van te voren […]

80. Interview over sneeuwfotografie in Zoom

Although foxes do have a bad image of being these naughty, ferocious animals, I have never, ever seen them show the slightest sign of aggression towards a human being. I have, however, seen some violent behaviour towards other foxes, but only for the very obvious reasons. Naturally, a fox will […]

19. Fox Trotting and Fox Fighting