
And an even bluer one... 4
On one of the last winter days some colleague photographers and I plotted our new challenge: finding Blue Frogs. The rumour goes that for just a few days a year the male Moor frog dresses completely blue in order to seduce them frog ladies. So it’s just a matter of […]

8. Blue Mission (searching for Moor Frogs)

red fox vulpes vulpes winter cold snow snowing white 11
Around a year ago I had this little dream….to meet a fox some day. Not only spotting him from a far distance, not catching only a glimpse of his tail, but really seeing one. And secretly I hoped that on that day, I might be able to take some nice […]

6. A Fox Fantasy: Red fox in the snow

Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus Pestvogel 10
It doesn’t happen that often in life that you get a second chance when you blew your first. And in this case it wasn’t even me who blew it, but the bad weather that did it for me… But…to put it shortly: I got my second chance to photograph the […]

4. Waxwings Revisited

Past week I met this very friendly person in the train. We had a pleasant conversation and it appeared he stumbled upon some waxwings that day. I must admit I was a little jealous since i had never seen these beautiful birds in my life. The next morning I planned […]

2. Bohemian Waxwings in town…!

Weather Forecast: Wind force 9 and strong gusts of wind. A good reason to go to the beach. On arrival it turned out that it was ‘just’ a modest wind force 8, but I got sandblasted nevertheless. I love the sea, the dunes and the beach and when I smell […]

1. The Small White & the Big Blue: Sanderlings ...

Laatst belde mijn vader met de mededeling dat de kat had een slang had gevangen….. “Wat voor soort slang..?” “Weet ik niet” “Ziet hij er gevaarlijk uit..?” “Ja!” Reden genoeg dus voor een bezoekje. Het zou immers best eens een zeldzame adder kunnen zijn. Niet dat dat heel aannemelijk is […]

24. Something that the Cat brought in.

Behalve dat het eens stuk gezelliger is om met een mede-enthousiasteling op pad te gaan, heeft die ‘rijdende schuilhut‘-zonder welke weinig fotografen de deur uit gaan- ook zeker z’n voordelen. Zelf ben ik vaak uren aan het fietsen of lopen om vooral te zien wat ik had kúnnen fotograferen als […]

5. Rondje Waterland