
Mother fox and fox kit love 2
I know of no animal that shows as much love and affections as foxes do. That could be because I know no animal, like I know foxes, but that’s not the point here. The point is….love. Foxy love to be more precise. Foxes are known to be smart, false, deceitful […]

45. Valentine’s Day 2016: Foxy Love

fox,kit,cub,young,young fox,red fox,vulpes vulpes 13
Past year I spent a rather short, but quite intense period, watching three fox kits growing up. At least..that’s what I aimed at. I was so happy when I found them and -as you can imagine-I pictured these beautiful endless summer evenings with cute furry fox kits play-fighting in nice […]

21. The new Fox Kit

And an even bluer one... 4
On one of the last winter days some colleague photographers and I plotted our new challenge: finding Blue Frogs. The rumour goes that for just a few days a year the male Moor frog dresses completely blue in order to seduce them frog ladies. So it’s just a matter of […]

8. Blue Mission (searching for Moor Frogs)