
2023 annual review 1
Sandy Seal 2023 kicked off with biting some sand. As a powdered seal fills my frame, I realize that this animal was apparently at the back of the line when paws, ears and tails were handed out. It looks like some sort of hairy larva, decorated with these huge eyes […]

Bye 2023, Hello 2024!

Don’t you have enough fox pictures yet?‘ A question I get asked regularly. And my answer is always the same: ‘Not by a long shot!’ Those photos are just a great excuse to stalk these fantastic animals for over ten years. And no, I can’t get enough. In fact, every […]

Sixty Four Foxy Faces

Mother fox and fox kit love 2
I know of no animal that shows as much love and affections as foxes do. That could be because I know no animal, like I know foxes, but that’s not the point here. The point is….love. Foxy love to be more precise. Foxes are known to be smart, false, deceitful […]

45. Valentine’s Day 2016: Foxy Love

Foxes yawn. So do we. So what? And yet, yawning is quite luxury thing. Being scared, cold or thirsty isn’t a good starting point for a decent yawn. Yawning basically requires a really safe environment and a full stomach, to begin with. Like most animals, foxes prefer being lazy and […]

26. Fox Yawns

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

fox,kit,cub,young,young fox,red fox,vulpes vulpes 13
Past year I spent a rather short, but quite intense period, watching three fox kits growing up. At least..that’s what I aimed at. I was so happy when I found them and -as you can imagine-I pictured these beautiful endless summer evenings with cute furry fox kits play-fighting in nice […]

21. The new Fox Kit

Although foxes do have a bad image of being these naughty, ferocious animals, I have never, ever seen them show the slightest sign of aggression towards a human being. I have, however, seen some violent behaviour towards other foxes, but only for the very obvious reasons. Naturally, a fox will […]

19. Fox Trotting and Fox Fighting

fox snow winter playing flakes cold vulpes vulpes 5
As you might have noticed I have this thing for foxes, especially for foxes in the snow… And now National geographic seem to like my fox in the snow as well, how cool is that?! My photo was chosen by the National Geographic jury as one of the nominees in […]

18. Foxes, Snow & National Geographic