Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]
Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]
24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Whether I stumble upon a vixen in the rain, a couple of soaking wet fox kits, a drinking red fox, a raindrop covered coat, a fox wading through a river or a swimming fox crossing a pond….I just can’t get enough… I Love water, I adore foxes. So what could […]
17. Swimming, soaking & dripping red foxes

Just like you won’t understand a word, visiting a foreign country for the first time, it will take quite some time to master fox language. But the longer your stay in Fox Nation, the more you will understand their conversations. Of course you will never learn to speak flawless Fox, […]
15. Fox Talk
Damherten tijdens de bronst: vlaggend, dreigend, dampend en vechtend.
63. Burlen, Bronsten en Boze Herten

In Dutch Waxwings are called Pestvogels, which means something like ‘Nagging Birds’. I often wondered why they got this strange name. Well…I found out the hard way! Waxwing invade my country every now and then. They appear in large numbers and -being just a little shy- they make a great […]