
white rabbit bunny cute funny humour 12
For some of my shoots, I thoroughly research my subject. I feast of graphs and statistics and I adore facts and tidbits. After all, knowledge is power, isn’t it? I used to drive people crazy with my my perpetual “what, why, when, where and with whom….” Nowadays, I ask my […]

33. Chasing White Rabbits

Duckface 3
On one of my bike rides, I came across one of my favorite topics: baby ducklings! Squeaky brakes and a firm jump immediately brought me at duck level. Moments like these must be taken advantage of as baby ducks have a busy schedule and are gone before you know it. […]

32. Ducklings All Ditches United

pink erythrism grasshopper insect rare 6
Not so long ago, one of my photo-pals found a pink grasshopper. I have to admit: his special find made me a little bit jealous. 😉 After all it is just about the closest thing to a pink elephant! At the same time, I realised how rare such a phenomenon […]

31. Mr. Pink: The Pink Grasshopper

Interview by Bored Panda: Stunning Wild Fox Photography By Roeselien Raimond Talented Dutch nature photographer Roeselien Raimond has taken countless stunning photos of beautiful creatures and wildlife, but her photos of wild foxes are especially wonderful. She agreed to give Bored Panda an interview and talk about her work photographing […]

30. Interview by Bored Panda

Baby Gosling 2
I’ve always loved the saying: ‘If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.’ Because nothing can argue with that, can it? Elaborating on this idea, one could argue, that if it walks like a goose and it talks like a goose…it […]

29. If it Walks like a Goose and it Talks ...

autumn light leafs mood atmoshere tree bokeh Flower photography 1
Some time ago someone asked me: “How on earth do you write complete stories about…NOTHING?!” Well…erhm…lots of fantasy I guess… That’s to say: usually. But not today. Today I intended to write about autumn. But what can I write…?! You shouldn’t talk about autumn. Autumn should be done. Autumn should […]

28. Autumn Reflections

Foxes yawn. So do we. So what? And yet, yawning is quite luxury thing. Being scared, cold or thirsty isn’t a good starting point for a decent yawn. Yawning basically requires a really safe environment and a full stomach, to begin with. Like most animals, foxes prefer being lazy and […]

26. Fox Yawns

Mushroom in an autumn forest
Interview Some time ago I was interviewed by the famous, if interested you can read the interview below: —————————————————————————————————————————————- “Outstanding Nature Photography by Roeselien Raimond” “Outstanding and out of the world captures of beautiful nature, this is Roeselien Raimond for all of us, simple and elegant compositions playing […]

27. Interview @

Yawning Tree frog
I bet most fellow nature photographers assumed – just like I did- tree frogs to be hugely enterprising, energetic and cheerful creatures. Skilfully hopping from blackberry to blackberry, climbing in trees like professional circus artists, swinging on stalks, as if they were climbing frames and sliding along thick blades like […]

25. The Great Green Yawn

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Nature works in mysterious ways. Not so long ago, I assumed there were just two options: 1. Eaten or 2. Being eaten Predator or prey…that’s the question. Recently I found out that it can be mutual as well. You eat, while being eaten: fair cross. All right, I might exaggerate […]

23. Don’t Bite The Plant that Eats you…