
Everything about foxes: grooming foxes, fox kits, fox behaviour, hunting foxes, fox portrait, foxes in the snow, fighting foxes…..just foxes, foxes & some more foxes ;)

pink erythrism grasshopper insect rare 6
Not so long ago, one of my photo-pals found a pink grasshopper. I have to admit: his special find made me a little bit jealous. 😉 After all it is just about the closest thing to a pink elephant! At the same time, I realised how rare such a phenomenon […]

31. Mr. Pink: The Pink Grasshopper

Interview by Bored Panda: Stunning Wild Fox Photography By Roeselien Raimond Talented Dutch nature photographer Roeselien Raimond has taken countless stunning photos of beautiful creatures and wildlife, but her photos of wild foxes are especially wonderful. She agreed to give Bored Panda an interview and talk about her work photographing […]

30. Interview by Bored Panda

Foxes yawn. So do we. So what? And yet, yawning is quite luxury thing. Being scared, cold or thirsty isn’t a good starting point for a decent yawn. Yawning basically requires a really safe environment and a full stomach, to begin with. Like most animals, foxes prefer being lazy and […]

26. Fox Yawns

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Foxes don’t seem to swim an awful lot, but suspiciously often I see them standing along the waterfront. So the question is….what are they doing there? Of course they might just be thirsty and by lack of a tap,they use channels, lakes or ditches to satisfy their needs. And on […]

24. Fox Reflections: What does the Fox See?

Foxes are famous for their mouse jumps (that’s what it’s called in my language, I have no idea what the official term could be). With their very sensitive ears, they can hear a mouse, even when it’s hidden under a thick layer of snow. They listen, prepare…and jump. The rumour […]

The Fox & Mouse Game

Although foxes do have a bad image of being these naughty, ferocious animals, I have never, ever seen them show the slightest sign of aggression towards a human being. I have, however, seen some violent behaviour towards other foxes, but only for the very obvious reasons. Naturally, a fox will […]

19. Fox Trotting and Fox Fighting

fox snow winter playing flakes cold vulpes vulpes 5
As you might have noticed I have this thing for foxes, especially for foxes in the snow… And now National geographic seem to like my fox in the snow as well, how cool is that?! My photo was chosen by the National Geographic jury as one of the nominees in […]

18. Foxes, Snow & National Geographic

Whether I stumble upon a vixen in the rain, a couple of soaking wet fox kits, a drinking red fox, a raindrop covered coat, a fox wading through a river or a swimming fox crossing a pond….I just can’t get enough… I Love water, I adore foxes. So what could […]

17. Swimming, soaking & dripping red foxes

red fox vulpes vulpes fight fighting combat submissive dominant foxtrot behaviour 10
Just like you won’t understand a word, visiting a foreign country for the first time, it will take quite some time to master fox language. But the longer your stay in Fox Nation, the more you will understand their conversations. Of course you will never learn to speak flawless Fox, […]

15. Fox Talk

Grooming Fox - Mother and Kit 4
Foxes have been notorious for decades, consistently put down as a symbol of trickery and deceit. Many of us are raised with fairy tales about this so called sly and ferocious animal and it payed off:  Even I was made to believe that foxes are scary and dangerous creatures. For […]

14. Reynards, vixens, kits & grooming foxes…. (part 2)

Young fox cub with prey 9
It must have been about two years ago when I met my first fox and it was love at first sight. I had always been fascinated by fairytale foxes, so well known for their slyness and intelligence. I’d never have dreamt though, that a real fox could be even much […]

13. Fox Cubs (1)